Chocolate Day

Wallpaper for Chocolate Day:

   Chocolate Day Sms:

1. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
It’s Time For Celebrating
Love And Affection This Week.
The Valentine Week Is Going On.
Today Is Chocolate Day.
Lovers Exchange Chocolates On This Occasion
To Express Love For Each Other.
Happy Chocolate Day
2. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
Today is chocolate day,
Dairy milk 4 love,
Perk for friends,
Kit Kat for best friends,
Polo for hatred,
And mentos for cool persons,
what do you choose 4 me,
Reply is must…
3. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
‘If u r a chocolate u r the sweetest,
if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable,
If u are a Star u r the Brightest,
and since u r my FRIEND u r the BEST!’
Happy Chocolate Day

4. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
This is a chocolate message,
For a dairy milk person,
From a five star friend,
For a melody reason,
And a kitkat time,
On a munch day,
In a perk mood to say,
Happy Chocolate Day..

5. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
Life is like a chocolate box,
Each chocolate is like a portion of life,
Some are crunchy, some are nutty,
Some are soft, but all are DELICIOUS.
Happy Chocolate Day to my love one!

6. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
Today is chocolate day,
Dairy milk 4 love,
Perk for friends,
Kit Kat for best friends,
Polo for hatred,
And mentos for cool persons,
what do you choose 4 me
Best Wishes on Chocolate Day.
7. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
U r unique
U r caring and
U r the Best.
And I am the luckiest to have You my Love!
Happy Chocolate Day
8. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
Love is like a chewing gum,
it tastes only in the beginning!
But friendship is like chocolate,
it tastes till it ends!’
Happy Chocolate Day to my sweet heart.
9. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
Lovely chocolate and Lovely you,
N Lovely are the things U do,
But the loveliest is d friendship of the 2,
One is Me & Other is you!
“Happy Chocolate Day”
10. Happy Chocolate Day 2013 SMS
This is a chocolate message,
For a dairy milk person,
From a five star friend,
For a melody reason,
And a kitkat time,
On a munch day,
In a perk mood to say,
Happy Chocolate Day..

‘Today is chocolate day,
Dairy milk 4 love,
Perk for friends,
Kit Kat for best friends,
Polo for hatred,
And mentos for cool persons,
what do you choose 4 me,
Reply is must.

Chocolate is the best when it melts so creamy and
 soft in your mouth and it slides down your throat.
Put “Eat Chocolate” at the top of your list of things
 to do today. That way, at least you will get one thing done.

Anyone Can Catch One’s Eye…But It Takes
 A Special Someone,To Capture Your Heart And
 Soul And For Me That Special Someone Is YOU.
Happy Chocolate Day!!

Today 9th Of February Is Chocolate Day.
In Fact,
This Whole Week That Is Leading Up To
Valentine’s Day Is The Most Romantic Week.
This Week You Can Make
Your Loved One Feel That
He/She Is The Most Special Person
In Your Whole Life.
On Chocolate Day,
As The Name Suggest,
You Gift Chocolate To Your Sweetheart..

Luv is lyk swallowing hot
chocolate b-fore it has cooled off.
It takes u by srprise at 1st.
but keeps u warm 4 a long time…

  • All u need is luv.
    Bt a little chocolate>>
    now & den doz not hrt.
    Happy Chocolate>>>> Day…

  • I nvr do any television vid-out chocolate.
    Thats my motto & I live by it.>>>
    Quite often I write the scripts & I make
    sure dere are chocolate scenes.>>>>
    Actually I am a bit of a chocolate
    tart & ill eat anything.>>>>
    It is amazing I am so slim..

  • Strength is the capacity to brk….
    a chocolate bar in-2 4…
    pieces vid ur bare hands…
    nd den eat jst…
    one of the pieces Judith Viorst…
    Happy chocolate>> Day…

  • All u need is luv…
    Bt a little chocolate…
    now & then doz not hrt…
    Happy chocolate>> Day…

  • Sandra Boynton Says…
    Research tells us..
    14 out of any 10..
    individuals lykes chocolate.
    chocolate Day mubarak ho…

  • If I have chocolate around,
    I vil eat it.
    I luv it…
    I luv it…
    I luv it…
    I lyk a piece every day.”

  • Chocolate is a divine drnk
    vich builds up resistance & fits fatigue.
    A cup of dis precious drnk
    permits a man to walk 4..a
    whole day wid-out food.

  • Lyf is like a box of chocolates…
    u nvr know what u r gonna get…
    Forrst Gump in Forrest Gump….

  • Happy chocolate Day::::
    u know an odd feeling…
    Sittng on the toilet
    eating a chocolate candy bar…

  • I want u to retain ur sweetness
    lyke the most precious chocolate.
    I donâit waaaant 2 lose u in my life.
    Always stay with me.
    Happy Chocolate Day..2013

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